“Hello world!” (AKA new site design) | 22.06.24

How do,

Been meaning to update this site to something a little less antiquated but hadn’t had the chance to do so until recently.

This’ll be a bit barebones while I flesh things out, but hoping to have this be the ‘ultimate source’ for any happenings moving forward. I’ll still be keeping my “social media” accounts active, however.

In case you’d been living under a rock within the last few months, I released my 12th EP, Thirst For Nerve, in March via SLG International, the label I co-run with a few friends in London & Bristol. It’s one of my favourite records to date.

There is new music in the works – as far as prospective release dates go, this is still arbitrary. However, if I have my shit together, EP no. 13 may surface before the year’s out.

As far as recent shows go, I played at MUD’s third birthday party last night (June 21st) at the Queens Theatre and made my first interstate jaunt for the year to Brisbane for Ruf Luv at the Black Bear Lodge at the end of May. I’ll be writing about the MUD birthday at length on an upcoming blog (which will eventually have the Janky Archive tag adorned on it.) Thanks to Kosta from MUD and Jane + Holly from Ruf Luv for getting me behind the booth.

All news will be posted here promptly as and when they surface from the cave.

‘Til next time,